I first started to invest in the stock market in the early 1990’s. Early 1990’s there was no internet. In the back of business section, 2-pages were dedicated to fine print index table with ticker symbols. It would have up/down daily move and 52 week high/low and that was it! The rest was your instinct and what you read in the business section. Only way to place a trade was to call a broker on the phone.

Shortly after, internet revolutionized investing and trading. Online brokers made their way into scene. Most banks at that time were requiring $2,000 to open brokerage account. I was in college and didn’t have that kind of money. I convinced 2 of my friends to join me and put in $700 each for total of $2,100 and my stock market journey began! We had no idea what we were doing, but sometimes you must jump in to learn, so we did! We argued on what we should buy/sell and eventually we lost most of our money.

I’ve been trading/investing for over 30 years now; I’ve taken many unnecessary detours-losing, winning, learning, un-learning and re-learning! I followed people who were good marketers but lousy investors (whose only motive was to sell me things), and followed people who had great results but no one knew about them! I have learned a lot along the way! I have tried to weed out things so that you don’t have to take those unnecessary detours. This is not about my titles but if you can truly benefit from the investingprodigy. Before, you can run, you need to walk! This course will help you get the foundation (teach you to walk) and then build on it by putting a system in place (teaching you to run).


Teaches and guides novice/beginner investor to become an investing prodigy VALUABLE CONTENT IN STEP BY STEP METHOD!

In age of internet, information is cheap, BUT getting honest valuable information and being taught on how to apply it…is invaluable.  

Investing prodigy aims to teach time tested system from start to finish including arrays of topics from fundamental analysis, technical analysis, value investing, trading strategies, back testing and many other aspects of investing.   

This site does not have 2-3 strategies that will make you millions (even though many strategies are discussed), but our focus will be on providing REAL EDUCATION and comprehensive learning that helps you make sense of the stock market. 

Encouraging our students to avoid the ever so enticing low hanging fruit – “blue arrow I buy/red arrow I sell”, applying someone’s touted strategy that will make you millions without learning anything about the stock market.  

Investing prodigy brings to light, what professional traders already know…

  1. Professional traders have zoned in on what works and spend enormous time on very specific information that they have back-tested and provides results.  They spend less time basing their decision on general news. 
  2. Professional traders understand sensationalized news and how it may affect a security or not.  
  3. Professional traders have an objective, they create a plan, back-test it and they stick to it.
  4. Professional traders have an exit plan and risk tolerance before they get into the position.
  5. Professional traders document and change their plan if it’s not working for them.
  6. Professional traders aren’t always right, they lose money all the time-they just make more winning trades-or larger $ value on their winning trades more consistently!

This site can NOT offer you 100% guarantee that you will make money, maybe not even 90% or 80% guarantee!  In fact, if someone does, they are more likely selling or pushing a product on you and less likely being transparent & teaching you the truth! 

This is because it’s hard to predict everything! There are things that are outside of everyone’s control. No one entity can control news, events, disasters, fraudulent management, feds raising/lowering the rates, rumors, industry shifting over night, food borne poisoning at fast food chain restaurant, oil spill, lawsuit, announcing new CEO, airplane crash, bad earning and the list goes on and on. 

It is our goal to make far more winning trades than losing ones through real education and making sense of the market (and this what professionals do)!  Greater knowledge = Less risk.

We hope you are able to learn many aspects of investing and trading; learn to navigate stock market, build on your learning so that you can eventually have your own way of trading that is profitable and become an INVESTING PRODIGY!